PRODUCING PSILOCIN: CHEAP AND EASY TECHNIQUE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
o Introduction Psilocin is valuable in exploring spirituality or expanded consciousness. It is also of value in the recovery of chemically dependent individuals.
This technique works. It is extremely easy. It is optimized for the individual home producer. This method is a personal technique developed after trying both the Homestead and Psylocybe Fanaticus techniques.
Some find it rather difficult to grow the actual mushrooms, but *ridiculously* easy to grow the mycelium. This document explains the simplified technique for growing the mycelium and extracting the psychoactive psilocin with acidic fruit juice.
It is based on starting your mycelium cultures with spore syringes purchased from various vendors that you can find listed on the internet. Send a money order for the purchase. Use a nickname for the "ship to" address with a "care of" in your own name. Follow the instructions of the spore syringe seller. I recommend The Good Spore and Spore Store and their web pages can be found with Google. I order the Amazonian P. Cubensis. There are numerous sources that can discreetly supply you with active and sterile spore syringes, 100% legally. NOTE: These syringes are NOT for injecting into your body but for inoculating the sterile rye grain media.
SHAMAN THREE MYCELIUM GROWING TECHNIQUE: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For the ultimate in growing ease, don't bother with trying to get the mycelium to produce fruit. It has definitely been proven that the mycelium is *plenty* strong enough!
Here is how to grow the mycelium on organic rye grain without the tedious fruiting step.
o Rye Grain Media Preparation
1 cup organic rye grain berries (health food store) 3/4 cup distilled water 1/2 tsp calcium carbonate or white chalk 1 wide-mouth glass quart canning jar with ring and lid 6" x 6" heavy duty foil square
For each quart canning jar of 1 cup of organic rye grain add 3/4 cup of distilled water and 1/2 tsp of calcium carbonate.
Make *sure* that you use only *organic* rye! If it is not labeled, it is probably grown with fungicides that will *absolutely* guarantee failure. The media PH is buffered by adding a crushed calcium tablet (or crushed white chalk) for better growth. WARNING: Punch four holes in the canning lid with a nail. Put the lid on the jar (put the lid on upside down) and cover with a 6" square of aluminum foil, moldaround the lid. Swirl/shake the jar to mix the ingredients.
o Sterilize the Media Jars in a Pressure Cooker or Canner
Process at 15 lbs pressure for 20 minutes in a pressure cooker/canner. I like the seven quart jar capacity cooker/canner. Let the jars cool slowly after cooking to room temperature. Make sure that the pressure cooker your obtain will hold full size quart jars. You could be successful with a non-pressurized canner although the risk of contamination may be greater.
o Inoculate the Rye Media with the Spore Water or Existing Rye Grain Culture
Clean your hands with alcohol and follow sterile procedures. For each jar, take off the foil, exposing the holes in the lid. Set the foil, topside-down on a clean surface (don't contaminate the inside of the foil, as you will be re-using it to cover the lid again). Shake up the contents of the spore syringe. Sterilize the syringe tip with a flame. Inject about .5-1 cc of liquid through the hole in the lid. Shake the rye grain. Replace foil loosely (to allow air in) with the sterile side against the jar. Repeat the process for each jar.
Alternatively, you could use some sterile mycelium taken from an existing culture jar. Clean a spoon with alcohol. Take one jar that has no visible contamination and remove the lid and foil. Put two or more spoonfuls of culture into a cooled rye grain sterile media jar. Wear a hankerchief or mask anddo this in a draft free clean area. Close the newmedia jar quickly and replace the foil loosely. Shake up the jar to mix the mycelium culture with the sterilized organic rye grain berries.
o Culture Growth
At this point, you simply place the jars in a clean, dark place and wait for permeation. The optimum air temperature should be between 70 and 80 degrees. Leave the foil covers on the jar loosely to allow air in but keep possible airborne contaminants out. You get the most rapid growth if you shake up the grains every 3 or 4 days. This is part of the reason for using rye berries. I use a 1"x4"x24" piece of lumber wrapped with a hand towel (held on with rubber bands) to gently hit the jars to break up the cultured rye grain mass. Be very careful not to break the glass. You should wait about 3 weeks after complete permeation for maximum potency. The jars will stay nice and usable for 3 or 4 months if kept in a cool, dark place. 55to 65 degrees is a good storage temperature. If you break open a jar and use part of it for a dose, keep the remainder in the refrigerator, where it will last a month or two, until you can consume it. Do not let the contents freeze and kill the culture.
o Mycelial Culture Contamination
If you notice anything but vigorous white mycelial growth in the grain, discard the rye grain media as soon as you notice it. Take no chances of getting sick from contaminated mycelium rye grain culture. If moisture builds up in the jar the mycelium will drown and die. Make sure the foil is loose so that air can get to the culture. You will notice a brown discoloration of the mycelium if it drowns. High temperatures will accelerate this breakdown and you may notice a yellow liquid forming at the bottom of the jar. Discard these jars. The mycelium may turn blue when the tissue is injured from breaking up the rye grain culture. This is normal and will appear as faint blue darkening in otherwise healthy growth. If you over cook the rye grain in the sterilization process it will turn to mush and ferment. This will be evident by very slow or no culture growth. These jars will likely become contaminated easily and not produce the desired outcome. If you smell alcohol you should discard the jar. A healthy culture will have vigorous striated white mycelial growth.
o Costs
Approx $1 per dose: Compare to street prices of $140 to $280 per ounce for dried psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. Less risk of arrest for possession of an illegal controlled substance. No exposure to drug dealers or a financial transaction that may support other illegal activity. A 20 ml spore syringe costs about $20 US. This is for the Amazonian strain of psilocybe cubensis. o Preparing the Mycelium for Ingestion Put the mycelium permeated rye grain into a blender and add two cups of fruit juice per full jar. Adjust the amount of liquid to the dosage you are preparing. Using the highest blender setting, pulverise the mixture until it is the consistency of a drinkable milkshake. Add more liquid if it is too thick. This will have a strong grain and mushroom taste and is hard for some to consume. If it is gulped down in one motion and then chased with some fruit juice it is not intolerable for most. The effects will begin 20 to 30 minutes after ingestion. The brief unpleasantness of consuming the mixture is a minor detail in the process. o Psilocin Extraction with Fruit Juice and Ascorbic Acid
To extract the mycelium, replace the inoculation lid with one with no holes with the seal side down now. Add 2 cups of acidic fruitjuice mixed with 1/2 tsp of ascorbic acid crystals (crushed vitamin C) to each jar of white permeated mycelium and shake up the contents vigorously. Add a couple glass marbles as agitators. The acidified liquid will remove the active components, leaving behind the rye grains.The extracted liquid should be a milky consistency with a thick, frothy layer of mycelium. If you want to get all the material, then do a second extraction with another 2 cups of juice. Doing two more 2 cup water rinses will get even more. The trick is to put all the mycleium into suspension. Pour off the liquid, using a strainer with large holes (though smaller than a rye grain) and consume it on an empty stomach.It is probably an acquired taste, but I have found the resulting brew to be quite palatable, and have never had any nausea using this method. The onset of the trip occurs in about 20-30 minutes. Cranberry juiceis a very popular extraction liquid. NOTE: This is method of preparation is detailed for those that have problems with consuming the mycelium with the rye grain in the mixture. You will get about 50% of the available psilocin with this technique.
o Other Thoughts
The spore syringe injections and mycelium culture transfers will have to be done with sterile technique. After many transfers, you may find reduced vigor or visible contamination. At this point, you will need to use fresh spore syringes to start the cycle over again. The syringes will keep at least a year in the fridge. You can store mature cultures in the fridge right in the jar for several months.
Because of the time factor, and the tolerance that one quickly develops to psilocin, you can really only indulge about once a week. The mycelium may be grown in total darkness, and the jars are quite easy to discretely conceal. Do make sure that they have fresh air and are shaken up every three to four days.
o Drug Testing Considerations
Typical pre-employment urine drug testing does not screen for psilocin. Everyone is holding... according to deceased PhD Ethnobotanist Terry McKenna. Your pineal gland, located in your primitive brain, is already full of a very similar tryptamine-based substance. It is responsible for vision, imagination, and conceptual self-awareness. Psilocin is non-toxic to your metabolism and does not cause permanent brain chemistry change. In fact, the only way to test for psilocin is through the cerebro-spinal fluid and those tests will not be paid for or used by cost conscious employers.
The difference between the psilocybin and psilocin molecule is that the latter is missing one phosphorous chemical bond. Your body breaks psilocybin down into psilocin as it is metabolized.
o Papaya Enzyme (Papain) and Fresh Papaya Activation
Papaya enzyme (papain) and fresh papaya will enhance the intensity and reduce the total time of the experience. Papain aids in the rapid digestion of the mycelium. It typically doubles the intensity and halves the time that you are under the influence. Almost every vitamin seller has chewable papaya tablets. Doubling the daily dose will will enhance your experience greatly. o Life Cycle of a Psilocybin Mushroom SEE DETAIL: From the dikaryotic mycelium stage on, there are high levels of psilocin present in the rye grain culture. To go from spore water to the dikaryotic stage takes three to four weeks under ideal temperature and humidity conditions. Consuming the mycelium, rather than the mushroom fruiting body, is more potent and digestable.
o Personal Observations, Dosage, Mind Set & Setting
A "full" dosage opens your perceptions to a completely different view of the world. The experience is so at odds the "standard" view of "consensual reality" that you risk losing touch with friends, work, politics, business, etc, if you over indulge. For this reason, I have found it best to think of your usage as something to provide sacred inspiration, and not something for casual entertainment. Perhaps two consecutive trips, every 2 or 3 months would be a good balance for initial investigation. Also be careful with the dosage. Start small the first few times. A full, entheogenic dose can be absolutely frightening, as you are completely drawn into an alien world. This world seems to reveal the inner reality that lies just below the surface of consentual reality. The mycelium from one jar is a serious dose for a 200 pound adult. It would be equivalent to eating a half ounceof dried psilocybin mushrooms. Start with smaller doses but realize that the experience is overwhelming in larger doses. You should not be in public, operate a vehicle, expose yourself to possibly negative energy, or consider this a recreational activity at any dosage level. Start with 1/8 of a jar of mycelium per 100 #. People's metabolisms and threshholds are different. Even very small doses require every set & setting precaution.
Don't freak yourself out with a large dose. You just need to remember that you will be back to normal in a few hours. Try to learn as much as you can. For many people, this is the most intense spiritual experience of their lifetime. Because the vision that is received through psilocin appears to be so consistent across multiple people, it is believed that it is an actual, useful view of the way the universe is organized. The insight that is experienced is very much in harmony with quantum physics and an understanding of the spiritual view of the world. It is a *very* valuable eye-opener and the experience should be available to any adult that desires to explore their mind and the way it interacts with the numinous cosmos. When taken in this light, psilocin becomes a freedom of religion issue. The experience has been described as a "trip", and like a "trip" you have some control over the destination. You can, with light doses, steer it towards a hedonist, masturbatory sort of thing. Alternatively, you can find yourself overwhelmed with nature, and have very deep cosmological insights (that still make sense when you are back to normal again!), or you can blow it watching some stupid movie. Think ahead and make the most of your 3 to 6 hours. At higher doses, a lot of your control vanishes, but you can still keep your wits about you and keep yourself from freaking. The Mayans preferred to take their mushrooms indoors in total darkness for maximum visuals and personal insight. Plan ahead. You will be wide awake for 3 to 6 hours (including a several hour "afterglow" where you will no longer be tripping, but you will still be under mild effects).
I usually consume on Saturday afternoons. This gives me ample time to come down, get some good sleep, and have all of Sunday to be ready to return to work/school, etc. Be responsible. This is very heady stuff.
I have never sold any doses to anyone. I think that this is such a mind-blowing experience that it is good to have a strong barrier to experimentation. If someone is clear headed enough to master the culturing requirements, then they can very likely handle the implications of psilocin experience. It is much more likely to be a positive experience when the user is informed, mature, and aware.
My typical ritual includes being at home alone with the doors locked and the phone unanswered for the duration. I like to be in the dark bathroom enjoying a warm bubble bath, incense sage smudging in a glass Pyrex bowl, three portable red xenon strobe lights blinking, a half gallon of herbal tea available, and a techno music CD playing at a low volume and set for continuous repeat. No matter how intense the trip becomes... I am safe and secure in my surroundings.
Do not mix alcohol or any other psychoactive drugs with this experience. Low doses of marijuana will minimize the agitation and nervousness of the onset of the psilocin but will also show up on a drug test for up to 30 days from the time of consumption. Smoking the kind bud will also enhance the visuals that you will experience with your eyes open or closed during the peak hour. Mixing alcohol with psilocin will most likely produce a negative attitude that will manifest into an emotional bummer. For the best results, consume psilocin on an empty stomach when you are fully rested and not emotionally distraught.
BE CAREFUL, ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE, AND KEEP IT PERSONAL. Psychedelics are illegal and politically forbidden because it enables one to question authority and think for yourself. You will find your senses are enhanced for some time after the experience... even up to three or four days after the perceivable effects have worn off.
Spore syringes are 100% legal because of a technicality. Psilocin cultures are illegal controlled substances and can land you in jail, subjected to severe fines, and other penalties. Not many law enforcement people are looking for what appears to be rotting grain in a glass jar in your fridge. The likelyhood of visual identification is slim unless they know what they are looking for because of you telling others about your activities. Limit your exposure by keeping this practice to yourself. You don't have any reason to talk about it to others.
A common side effect of psilocin ingestion and influence is yawning and eye tearing. You may experience waves of intensely pleasurable feelings of well being and delight. This is more intense than any street drug powder or pill. This is not a recreational drug and should not be used in that context. The possibility of negative consequences is almost certain for those that ignore this warning. ADDENDUM: Use of Psilocin in Drug Addiction Recovery
Psilocin and other psychedelics are known deconditioning agents. Research has clearly shown that tryptamines can aid in the recovery from chemical dependency. All pattern behaviors are impacted by the clinically targeted ingestion of various psychedelics... unfortunately no benefit has been noted in the reduction of long-term nicotine chemical dependencies. Heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and many dopamine effecting pharmaceutical chemical dependencies will respond to targeted treatment. One of the most profound studies was conducted in the late 1960's at the Hollywood Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia. There are several other studies that indicated the beneficial usage of psychedelics in drug addiction recovery. The hysterical political climate ofthe late 1960's suppressed further research and removed the substances from any medical usage. Large doses administered in three day cycles for twenty one days will render an addict's habituation diminished to the point where cravings for their chemical dependency are defeatable. Of course, they will be profoundly unable to function normally in public for about a week. This method beats any thirty day twelve step inpatient detox program with a 3% documented recovery rate. Ayahuasca (psilocin with MAOI) has been very effective. Clandestine treatment program info is being revealed by former addicts. Recovery rates of 95% were experienced using these approaches. Detox and deconditioning is only part of the cure for long-term chemical dependency. Drug treatment innovations are being pioneered by outlaw practioners taking great risks. American "Drug War" ignorance has prevented mainstreaming of treatment techniques. Treatment stakeholders with financial interests and closed minded moralists are preventing progress with obtaining obvious positive community outcomes. Love Your Mother and Work for the Preservation of the Earth. YOUR MOTHER IS A PLANET AND YOUR FATHER IS A STAR...
Recommended Additional Readings -
Flesh of the Gods by Peter T. Furst
The Wondrous Mushroom by R. Gordon Wasson
Entheogens and the Future of Religion edited by Robert Forte
Psilocybin by O.T. Oss and O.N. Oeric
The Encyclopedia Of Psychoactive Drugs Mushrooms - Psychedelic Fungi by Peter E. Furst The Psilocybin Producer's Guide - 5,000 Doses a Week in a Small Room by Adam Gottleib
The Invisible Lanscapes by Terence and Dennis McKenna
Archaic Revival by Terence McKenna
Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna
True Hallucinations by Terenece McKenna
The Mushroom Cultivator by Paul Stamets and J.S. Chilton P F TEK by Psylocybe Fanaticus (Robert McPherson) Psychedelic Shamanism by Jim DeKorne
Flashbacks by Timothy Leary
Storming Heaven by Jay Stevens
DISCLAIMER: This information does not constitute an endorsement or advocacy of illegal activity. Psilocin possession is a criminal violation, as is the sale and/or distribution. This information was gathered and tested by third parties and is posted to this blog site for educational purposes only. You are the only one responsible for your actions and the resulting consequences. The poster of this content does not possess or manufacture psilocin or any other controlled substance.