Unauthorized duplication and distribution is expected... live free.Please note that corrections and expansions will be posted often.When you rip, mix, & burn this content note the source URL please.Not connected with any commercial interests listed in this content.This site is dedicated to two pioneers... PhD ethnobotanist Terence McKenna and Robert McPherson who is known as Psylocybe Fanaticus.No disclaimers or legal notices can replace personal responsibility.JUST SAY KNOW. Always think for yourself and do question authority.No vested interests in anything but personal empowerment. Thank goodness for the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution! Our opponent's enemies are our friends. The three are outlaws, and NOT criminals. Love IS the killer application. There is no way to contact them by e-mail. This information is intended for adults only!!!See the "Street Cred Marketing" info and help get the WORD out.The mainstream culture is not ready to overcome their false fears ofpsychedelics even for the sake of the medical treatment of chemicaldependency. Available non-toxic natural addiction deprogramming agent.The mega-pharmacorps just can't make any money from it.Psilocin is less harmful to the body than aspirin according to the recent research done by Johns Hopkins' scientists. BREAKING NEWS:Go Ask Alice: Mushroom Drug Is Studied Anew
Wall Street Journal (mainstream press)
July 11, 2006; Page B1
http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB115258280486902994-okIo62E597AxzQTYEo9_1lquu8E_20070710.htmlHallucinogen In Mushrooms Creates Universal 'mystical'
Experience Hopkins Scientists Show
By Eric Vohr -
Johns Hopkins Medical InstitutionsMedical News Today (mainstream press)
Article Date: 14 Jul 2006

A Cosmic Journey Thru Time and Space!